Equine podiatry

Equine podiatry

Podiatry – an opportunity to strengthen your connection with horses and with yourself. From the moment we ask the horse to give his foot in our hands, to ask that he surrender himself to us in such a way as to deprive himself of his first survival instinct which is to...
Equine podiatry

Podologie équine

La Podologie – une opportunité pour renforcer votre connexion avec les chevaux et avec vous-même. Du moment où l’on demande au cheval de donner son pied entre nos mains, de demander qu’il se livre à nous de manière à se priver de son premier instinct de survie qui est...
Wellness sessions in Monthoiron

Wellness sessions in Monthoiron

Equinesprit, 2022 – 2023 Monthly sessions: well-being and personal development Recharge your batteries in good company!  A moment of sharing, discovery and techniques to soothe you, to restore your confidence, to regain your momentum. The first Tuesday of each...
Experiential Activities

Experiential Activities

Why do Experiential Activities? What differentiates them from other developmental activities? This article will try to clarify the benefits of Experiential Activites along with examples. At Equinesprit part of the work in personal development is done through...